Podcast laajenee kansainvälisille aluevesille! 37. jaksossa vieraana on Fighting Monkey -konseptin perustaja Jozef Frucek! Hänen urheilua ja taidetta yhdistävä taustansa on vähintäänkin mielenkiintoinen, mikä on johtanut vähintään yhtä uniikin konseptin perustamiseen ja opettamiseen.
Jakso on luonnollisesti englanniksi, joten myös sisältö on avattuna alla samalla kielellä. Oma suoritus ei ollut täysi 10/10, mutta toivottavasti se ei laske Jozefin antaman mainion tiedon ja ajatusten arvoa.
Jozef Frucek is an artist, mover, educator and a lot more! He has a very varied background in arts and sports which has enabled him to create a creative and very unique perspective to movement. He is hosting soon a Fighting Monkey seminar in Helsinki with his wife Linda. Some of the topics covered during our hour long and dense conversation include:
– Jozef´s background in sports and education.
– Fighting Monkey – what is it and when it was born?
– What’s with the name?
– What people should expect when attending a seminar? Exercises, games, ”movement problems”, something else?
– Who should take part?
– General questions about the field of fitness, s&c: what’s the current state and what you think about it? What most people are missing in their training?
– Tips or fuel for thought how people should think about or diversify their training?
– To learn more and to take part, go to Fightingmonkey.net
A direct link to the episode on Apple Podcast platform.